Monday, 29 April 2013


GERO (Companion) 2.0

- Recreate Gero from scratch
- We have managed to input him into Unity ☑
- Following main camera code work successful  ☑
- Along with his running animation ☑
- Managed to make him jump over navmesh ☑

Problem with Gero 1.0

- Polygon stretches when animated
- Bone structure was incorrect
- Textures did not work well as it stretches and missing patches
- Animation did not come out well

Gnoman (Enemy)

- Modelled very well ☑
- Added CatRig Animation ☑
- Textured ☑
- Imported to Unity, good outcome ☑
- Followed main camera ☑ 
- Needs to add jump function over navmesh (not done)





Monday, 22 April 2013

Aztec City texturing - Emma


Aztec City updated with the latest and final models, including the model of the priest building I had made over the easter holiday. The models are up to scale and all that needs to be placed into the city model is the market with all the minor smaller assets.
The city has been uv mapped and just needs the textures chosen and applied to the models then a bump map applied to the model.
Only things left to do for Aztec city is to place the stairs in and map them, place the textures in and bump it. Then the Aztec city should be done.

Wasteland Monday Report

Done -
Building textured
Terrain texture
RadioTower Model

doing today -
Building Window Cubemaps
Rock Placement
Building deterioration

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Things that NEED to be done by Monday 22nd April

These must be done for monday, no matter what, no excuses.

- Wasteland concept done
- Gnomon Done

- Aztec city textured/modelled/done (all textures are done just need to map and play)
- aztec concept art done
- Gero Textures done

- Terrain Textured (will give textures just need to be placed onto) (though I [emma] can get it done)
- Collisions done

- texturing models
- All Assets for wasteland done
  • toys?
  • Signs
  • lights
  • office crap

- collisions done
- Radio tower
- rocks placed
- toppled building textured and model

- low poly plantlife done (Trees, bushes and small grass/plants/ferns)

Monday, 15 April 2013

Team Review after Easter: 15th April

Work accomplished over the holiday:

- Aztec Priest building made
- Textures obtained and editted (Will resize to power of two and then looking into map texturing.)
- Mayan wall texture done (Need to uv map to a wall 3d model)
- Wall for Aztec City modelled (texturing)

- Niles Concept nearly done
- Started wasteland concept

- Dog animation completed( Problem occurred shown below)
- Walk, running, and Idle cycle

- Finished Nursery model

- Built and textured a rock for Wasteland
- Terrain done

- Terrain done
- Fixed the stairs for aztec


- Dog Animation is distorted (Back leg bone twisted in animation??) Attempting either a redo or a repair

 Animation fro Gero done