What needs to be done by today:
Emma's instruction from Facebook..
Josh and Mike T, finish up the coding within testing, Mike I think the collision coding we used on Wednesday may help with our little guy to detect colliders.
Taj and Michael G, would like you to do a bit more texturing if that's okay, once we've done the texturing we may start on the second part of the map.
Adrian it's finish the concept of Niles so then the modellers can get to work on it and we can have him and hopefully gero in unity by sometime in the next couple of weeks.
Working in progress:
Taj - Texturing assets and buildings
Michael G - Texturing the subway train
Josh - Working on the code
Mike T - Assisting Josh with the code and also texturing some assets
Emma - Concept Art for Gero (Companion)
Adrian - Concept Art for Niles (Protagonist)
Taj - Bridge, Rugs, Rack, Chinapas, Boat and finished off the Aztec little building
Mike T - Table, Aztec little building, Stool (chair) and Bed textured
Josh - Collision with Gnoman/ loses health when enemy hits player
Questions for next group meeting:
Mostly to do with Coding -
Are we planning to add health point in the game? (verticle slice)
If Yes, How would you visually present the health? (example: Blood splat, fade etc)
We need to fully confirm how the Gnoman would react to the player
Example - Screen slowly fade within the radius or Gnoman follows the player and Niles has to leg it out of their range.
Important announcement:
A No Smoking Campaign
Please hold a fun raiser to stop Josh from smoking.
We must buy him candy sticks in order for him to set his mind on something else.
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