- Storyboard for the whole map
- List of Codes started [refined monday before meeting with Alistair on Tuesday]
- Puzzle Ideas [refined]
- Textures list
- Puzzles:
- Follow the Compass
- Follow the torches
- School Puzzle
- Pressure Plate
- Timed butten
- Commands for Dog - tell the dog to wait on a spot
- Door opening - Pressure plates, Timed buttons, collecting fragments, keycard
- Drag items, pick up and carry
- Health Code, deteriorate -10 when hit by Gnomon
- Gnomon trigger chase.
- Gero - Follow, stop when a certain distance from player.
- Compass Direction - disappear when Reach certain point.
Mike: Finish Dog Animation fo Gero
Adrian: Finish Gnomon, floor plan for nursery, start concept work for wasteland.
Emma: Texture painting/making.
Josh: get to work on Aztec, buildings etc and texture hunting.
Michael: Unity wasteland/Terrain
Taj: Nursery modelled + whatever Michael needs you to model
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