Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Project Update:13/May/2013 - 14/May/2013

With the hand-in around the corner we have managed to do the following:

> codes for the wasteland such triggers, emblems, start and exit triggers, Gnoman coding
> Gero coding
> Refined Aztec coding
> Merging Unity files
> Imported assets into wasteland
> Level coding

> Title screen
> End of game screen
> credits
> created textured 'game instruction' for the train
> animation for Gero

> Idles animation for Gnoman
> Idle animation for Gero
> updated the walk animation for Gero
> Updated textures for both character models
> modelled and textured assets for wasteland (street lights and barrels)

> more texturing for the train
> textured 'topple' building
> painted the terrain for wasteland
> built the wasteland environment
> unity file configuration for lights

> Finished texturing the Nursery and Assets
> textured the road signs
> modelled and textured cardboard boxes

> imported aztec assets into the unity file
> re-textured aztec
> placed aztec buildings into unity file
> repainted the terrain
> Aztec file light configuration

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Coding finished: Emma

Took the Unity file for Aztec home again, and managed to finish all the codes except the level loading, which I need the final scenes for, and waypoints, which corrupted the range code and they couldn't follow, so didn't input it in.

The codes I finished/have done while at home are:

- Spawn Forest Gnomon
- Destroy Forest gnomon at points
- Health Code Refined
- When Emblem is collected you gain health
- Objective: Get the First Emblem! text
- Object city emblems text
- All Triggers are placed
    -Start running[first Gnomon chase]
    -DestroyGnomon, Lake puzzle-
    -Start Running[Second Gnomon Chase]
    - Destroy Gnomon-
    -Find the final three gems-
    - EndGame-
- Gnomon will spawn behind you and start the chase, at both the start point and after the lake
- Scene loads prepped, just need to design and create the scenes for them to load.
- All necessary codes refined/done: These codes are the ones done with Mike in the previous post, neatened up and refined so they work with the added ones.

I have also placed all Gnomon in the forest again, with two following behind constantly (Will probably need to make their range wider.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Friday 10th May

Today Emma have attached the HUD to the main camera with an assist from Mike


- Added codes to each emblems with collision
- Able to see each emblem on screen when collected
- Added code to time fragments "Collected Time Fragment"
- Emblem code is done

Gnoman (Lurker):

- Made a little collision box and attached to Lurker's head. This allows the first person character to loses health when Lurker hit
- Stripped the emblem in photoshop to present each step when first person character bumps into Lurker
- Health code is done


- Enable to click and drag items
- First puzzle done just need to be texture (building blocks to reach emblem in mid air)
- Mouse locked to the center of the screen

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Aztec City Update: Emma

Took the Aztec City unity home, and have been working on it most of the day, mostly scripting and placements of things.

What I have done:

  • Got the Gnomon follow if you're in their range, they will stop following once you exit the range
  • Repaired Gero, so he doesn't go flying about the place and he constantly looks as you, as well as the Gnomon
  • Built the path for the "Run to the temple" with a pause: lake/shrine area.
  • The gnomon are in place if you head the wrong direction. 
  • I would show the path, but it needs testing which I would like the team to do on monday's meeting. just trust me it's about finished.
  • Started putting path collisions in.
  • Started placing the triggers. Codes are just about done for them for text, so I'm gonna attempt tomorrow to make a little speech bubble text that'll pop up with every trigger corresponding trigger.
  • Managed to get Unity Trees to an acceptable/usable level, without them costing Memory/fps, this plus the other trees and plant life Mike has made, makes the path a bit more alive and realistic. 
  • Tested some grass in some areas, to see if it costs fps (makes no difference which is a plus)
  • Added a light and a particle effect to the Gnomon, with the constant face you will be caught in their "Light" until you leave the range. 
  • Puzzle Drag and Drop to collect the emblem. Need to stack up the blocks and jump on them to reach (find the blocks though) (an idea, I'm sure we can think of others) This puzzle will be in the break, with the sounds of the gnomon going off at intervals, before you have to start running again.

What I should hopefully have done by the end of this weekend:
  • All triggers with Text in place.
  • Maybe a spawn point for the Gnomon? 
  • Destroy point when you exit the path/get the lake puzzle. (if I get the spawn point done)
  • HUD (though that's kinda unlikely, will need the Island unity file we did to see how it was done~ (will probably be a monday job~))